These Alternate Site Testing Blood Glucose Strips for Dogs and Cats with Diabetes ensure precise results and avoid contamination with individually foil-wrapped strips. Easy to open and use, they require minimal blood samples. Calibrated specifically for dogs and cats, these test strips are ideal for diabetes management.
Each strip is wrapped in foil to maintain its integrity and protected from contamination. Alternate site testing approved, these strips eliminate the need for coding and require a small blood sample. Monitor your pet’s glucose level at home with a portable glucometer and these reliable test strips.
Monitoring glucose levels is a crucial part of diabetes therapy for pets. With Advocate PetTest, you can successfully manage your diabetic pet’s health. Our test strips are designed for easy use, ensuring accuracy and reliability. Less stress for you and your pet, our strips are safe and reliable.
Advocate PetTest is dedicated to providing pet owners with the tools they need to care for their diabetic pets. Our test strips are designed to make diabetes management easier, reducing stress and anxiety for pets and their owners. With our reliable and easy-to-use test strips, you can take control of your pet’s diabetes and ensure they receive the best care possible.
Order Advocator PetTest Blood Glucose Strips today and start managing your pet’s diabetes with confidence.